24 Hours in Farming - Morrisons Farming

24 Hours in Farming is the agricultural industry’s biggest online event with an audience reach of more than 112 million.

We have sponsored this event since its launch in 2015 which is run by the Farmers Guardian. Each year, British farmers are encouraged to take to social media for one day to post pictures, videos and text to show and explain the work they are doing that day. The aim is to show consumers the vast extent of the effort and care which goes into producing the food they eat.

Farmers and supporters can post on any platform using the hashtag #Farm24 and we would encourage them to post numerous times throughout the day with updates about what they are doing.

Click here to read some of the stories we share

It isn't just for farmers, but foodies too! If you would like to show your support for British farming, you can 'Take the Pledge' by clicking here

You can also follow the events and stories of the day through our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; just search for Morrisons.